Home /Sours & Softeners

Sours & Softeners

  •  Liquid Fabric Softener
    A high quality, cationic liquid product designed to soften and eliminate static cling from all fabrics.
    SDS | Tech Data
    Product Code: L529
  • Liquid Sour and Softener
    A high quality product that neutralizes any harsh chemical residue while softening and eliminating static from all linen.
    SDS | Tech Data
    Product Code: L530
  • Liquid Sour and Softener Plus
    A quality neutralizer and fabric softener ideal for use in areas where the water supply contains iron or manganese to remove and prevent yellowing of fabrics.

    SDS | Tech Data
    Product Code: L531
  • Liquid Sour
    A quality product that neutralizes any harsh chemical residues in linen, protecting against skin irritation.
    SDS | Tech Data
    Product Code: L528
  • Liquid Rust Removing Sour
    A concentrated neutralizer formulated to remove rust while protecting against fabric harshness and skin irritations.
    SDS | Tech Data
    Product Code: L539