47 items found for ""
- Janitorial Bowl, Porcelain, & Tile Clean | Ostrem Chemical
Janitorial Products Bowl, Porcelain, & Tile Cleaners K-100 PORCELAIN CLEANER A viscous pleasant scented acid cleaner for shower walls sinks and bowls. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J442 BOWL CLEANER SAN 23% A powerful hydrochloric acid based bowl cleaner and sanitizer for use in removing hard water and iron stains from toilet bowls and sinks. Contains 23% HCl. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J450 BOWL CLEANER (15%) A highly effective hydrochloric acid based bowl cleaner for use in removing hard water and iron stains from toilet bowls and sinks. Contains 15% HCl. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J451 ACID FREE CLEANSER & SANITIZER An excellent viscous cleaner that also sanitizes deodorizes and shines a variety of surfaces including porcelain chrome ceramic and stainless steel. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J472 P-17 BOWL CLEANER A lactic acid based product used to remove dirt and scale from bowls and porcelain surfaces. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J473 MAGNUS III A concentrated blend of acids and detergents that works well on bathtubs shower walls sinks and bowls. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J557 PURPLE POWER A highly concentrated all-purpose bathroom cleaner-descaler-sanitizer. It contains a blend of organic acids for removing hard water scale quaternary ammonium compounds for sanitizing and a high concentration of surfactants for removal of dirt and soap scum. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J558 HYPER CLEAN A hydrogen peroxide based cleaner with bleaching deodorizing and sanitizing properties used in washrooms for walls floors ceilings and as a non-acid bowl cleaner. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J560 REFRESH PEROXIDE CLEANER A hydrogen peroxide based multi-purpose cleaner stain remover sanitizer and deodorizer. It is fully biodegradable and approved by the EcoLogo Program. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J708
- Janitorial Sanitizers – Disinfectants | Ostrem Chemical
Janitorial Products Sanitizers – Disinfectants OSTRO BRITE A powdered chlorinated non-foaming cleaner sanitizer for use in ice cream machines bar glass washers and for manual cleaning of tile floors and showers. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J412 PINK CHLORINATED SAN. A powdered chlorinated sanitizer for food and beverage handling equipment. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J414 K-13 L F OSTRO DINE An iodine based rinse agent and sanitizer for use in dish machines and bar glass washers. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J438 LEMON TREE A quaternary ammonium-based cleaner sanitizer and disinfectant with a pleasant lemon scent for use in a variety of applications. It is registered with Health Canada as a disinfectant: DIN 02460335. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J464 OSTRO SAN A quaternary ammonium-based disinfectant used for a variety of applications. It is registered with Health Canada as a disinfectant: DIN 02465116. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J465 P-250 PINE DISINFECTANT A phenol-based pine oil disinfectant cleaner for restrooms hospitals and nursing homes. It is registered with Health Canada as a disinfectant: DIN 02246386. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J466 K-10 L F OSTRO DINE An iodine-based rinse agent and sanitizer for use in dish machines and bar glass washers. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J478 LEMON DROP A quat-based ready-to-use cleaner sanitizer and disinfectant registered with Health Canada: DIN 02509202. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J542 HYPER CLEAN A hydrogen peroxide based cleaner with bleaching deodorizing and sanitizing properties used in washrooms for walls floors ceilings and as a non-acid bowl cleaner. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J560 PURE DISINFECTANT A one-step neutral quaternary ammonium-based disinfectant cleaner and deodorizer. It is recommended for use in a variety of establishments and is approved by Health Canada (DIN 02358859) the EcoLogo Program and the CFIA. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J718 PEROXYSAN 5 A peracetic acid based sanitizer ideally suited for a variety of sanitizing applications in food plants dairies breweries wineries and beverage operations. It may be applied to pre-washed surfaces such as floors walls process equipment and CIP systems by immersion coarse spray or circulation. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: T647
- Other Janitorial Products | Ostrem Chemical
Janitorial Products Other Janitorial Products BIOZYME P A concentrated dry formulation of bacteria strains designed to treat sewage systems grease traps and drains. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J427 ALL WEATHER WINDOW CLNR A high quality streak-free window cleaner effective to –20C when used at full strength. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J448 OSTRO-FRESH A liquid deodorant designed to eliminate organic odors instantly. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J467 HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA This product is a highly concentrated air freshener formulated with 10X more fragrance than other air fresheners. The neutralization reaction is swift and permanent. The light fresh linen scent left behind is very pleasant and not overwhelming. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J469 AMMONIA 26 DEGREES A full strength liquid ammonium hydroxide solution. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J470 LEMON OIL Pleasantly scented and highly effective furniture polish. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J471 INDUSTRIAL VINEGAR Used as a light water scale remover window cleaner and neutralizer of floors after stripping floor finish. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J480 MT-1 MOP TREATMENT A water based treatment for dust mops and dusting cloths. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J482 BIOZYME BLUE A non-toxic formaldehyde-free product containing enzymes and micro-organisms designed to digest and deodorize wastes in RV’s marine airplane and bus holding tanks. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J483 BIOZYME L A highly active blend of selected micro-organisms for treating sewage systems grease traps and drains. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J487 HAIR CONDITIONER This product is a creamy light-yellow tropical-scented conditioner. It helps eliminate static from hair and leaves it soft and manageable by adding nourishing moisture. It is gentle enough to use daily. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J551 HAIR AND BODY SHAMPOO A shampoo and body wash containing conditioners and emollients which aid in moisturizing skin and scalp. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J553 APPLE FRESH An apple scented room freshener and deodorizer. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J554 AIR FRESHENER I A liquid deodorizer designed to eliminate organic odours. Available in the above noted two scents. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J555 AIR FRESH II A liquid deodorizer designed to eliminate organic odours. Available in the above named scents. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J556 FRESH BREEZE DEODORIZER This product is a liquid deodorizer formulated to chemically neutralize odours rather than using a sanitizer or just masking the problems with perfume. The light scent left behind is very pleasant and not overwhelming. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J561 AIR FRESH VANILLA A liquid deodorizer designed to eliminate organic odours. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J562 AIR FRESH NEW CAR A liquid deodorizer designed to eliminate organic odours. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J563 FRESH BLAST This product is a liquid deodorizer formulated to chemically neutralize odours rather than using a sanitizer or just masking the problems with perfume. The light Fresh Breeze scent left behind is very pleasant and not overwhelming. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J569 CITRUS BLAST A highly concentrated citrus air freshener formulated with 10X more fragrance than other air fresheners. It also contains anti-odorants that neutralize smelly acids amines mercaptans thioesters and ammonia – the common odour-causing agents in sweat urine decaying organic matter and cigarette smoke. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J571 BLOSSOM BLAST A highly concentrated floral air freshener formulated with 10X more fragrance than other air fresheners. It also contains anti-odorants that neutralize smelly acids amines mercaptans thioesters and ammonia – the common odour-causing agents in sweat urine decaying organic matter and cigarette smoke. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J572 CLEAR VIEW GLASS CLEANER A ready-to-use window and glass cleaner of exceptional quality and biodegradability. It is approved by the EcoLogo Program. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J712 CLEAR VIEW CONCENTRATE A concentrated window and glass cleaner that needs to be diluted 1:32 with water prior to use. It is approved by the EcoLogo program. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J714 WINDOW CLEANER CONC. 1:10 When diluted with 10 parts water this product makes an excellent window cleaner. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: J776
- Services | Ostrem Chemical
Services Services Section Product Development Our sales and technical staff are always available to help recommend products for your cleaning requirements. With over 500 existing formulas, odds are we have what you are looking for. However, if you do require something unique or specific, our knowledgeable chemists are skilled at creating formulas perfectly suited for the task, at the right concentration and at the right price. Our well-equipped lab is on-site, so projects like this can be completed quickly and efficiently! Scalable Production With over a dozen blend tanks, we are able to manufacture over 500 proven formulas for packaging in a variety of containers from 500 mL bottles to bulk tanker trucks. Custom Blending We offer a comprehensive product development line and have the capability to blend chemicals according to our customers’ individual requirements. Bring us your formula and have it manufactured according to our strict ISO 9001:2015 quality controls. Our facility is licensed by Health Canada for the blending and packaging of pharmaceuticals. Graphics Department Our qualified in-house art department produces private labels from start to finish for a one-time set-up charge. Labels are printed in-house on state of the art label printers and the design and content can be adjusted as needed. You can add your own logo, and choose colours and styles that best reflect your company. Our graphics department can also assist in developing marketing material to further increase recognition of your brand. This may include things like small brochures, or one-page handouts on new products.
- Other Dairy & Farm Products | Ostrem Chemical
Dairy & Farm Products Other Products FEEDWATER ACID ADDITIVE A highly concentrated blend of food grade inorganic and organic acids for controlling pH and alkalinity in poultry and swine drinking water. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F359 CLUCK'R PLUCK'R This product aids in the loosening of feathers on chicken and turkey carcasses during the scalding process before plucking. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F363 R-62 EGG WASH COMPOUND A chlorinated non-foaming egg wash compound for use in all size industrial type washers. It is effective in all types of water conditions. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F364 LIQUID EGG WASH NC A non-chlorinated low-foaming liquid egg wash compound for use in industrial washers. It is formulated for use in hard or soft water conditions and is ideal for food plant use. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F374 BARN FRESH A 20X concentrated liquid blend formulated for treating malodor caused by animal excrement in barns. It uses a multi-faceted and synergistic approach to control barn odour. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F387 Food Plant Products Please refer to our Food Plant product list for additional complementary products for farm & dairy use.
- Descaling Products | Ostrem Chemical
Water Treatment Descaling Products NO. 110 DESCALER A fully inhibited fast-acting descaler for boilers and cooling systems containing hydrochloric and lactic acids. SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr Product Code: S750 NO. 125 BOILER CLEAN COMP A cleaner-descaler designed for cleaning small industrial and residential heating systems. SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr Product Code: S751 DESCALER 140 (POWDERED) A dry odorless crystalline inhibited acid cleaner that can safely be used on all metals commonly encountered in acid cleaning. SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr Product Code: S752 MURIATIC ACID (INHIBITED) A highly concentrated inhibited acid for descaling and rust removal of boilers, water-cooled equipment, water jackets, heat exchangers and heating coils. SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr Product Code: S753 15% SULPHAMIC ACID DESCALER A liquid sulphamic acid descaler ideal for use in industrial applications. This odorless organic descaler can be safely used on all metals commonly encountered in acid cleaning and is significantly less corrosive than typical mineral acid descalers. Sulphamic acid is safe to use around chlorine as it will not liberate toxic chlorine gas. SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr Product Code: S769 LIQUID ANTI-SCALE ADDITIVE This product is a highly concentrated blend of phosphonates and polymers. It is used in conjunction with regular boiler water treatments in situations where challenging water conditions cause excessive scaling in boilers. SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr Product Code: S771
- Nature's Own | Ostrem Chemical
The Nature’s Own™ line of environmentally responsible cleaning products is a testament to our commitment to sustainability. Each product in this line is meticulously crafted and formulated to meet the highest environmental standards. We take pride in ensuring that our products not only deliver exceptional cleaning performance but also minimize their impact on the planet. By choosing Nature’s Own™ cleaning products, you can trust that you are making a conscious choice to support sustainability and reduce your environmental footprint. Discover the difference of our Nature’s Own™ line today and join us in our mission to create a cleaner, greener future for generations to come. Learn more about the EcoLogo Program AVALANCHE CLEANER-DEGREASER A non-corrosive fully biodegradable water-soluble degreaser that removes oil grease dirt smoke deposits and grime from hard surfaces. It is approved by the EcoLogo Program. Product Code: J704 Ingredients water poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-decyl-omega-hydroxy- chelating agent ethoxylated alcohol lemon yellow blend 311 SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr REFRESH PEROXIDE CLEANER A hydrogen peroxide based multi-purpose cleaner stain remover sanitizer and deodorizer. It is fully biodegradable and approved by the EcoLogo Program. Product Code: J708 Ingredients water poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha-decyl-omega-hydroxy- chelating agent hydrogen peroxide ethoxylated alcohol citric acid D&C red 33 SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr CLEAR VIEW GLASS CLEANER A ready-to-use window and glass cleaner of exceptional quality and biodegradability. It is approved by the EcoLogo Program. Product Code: J712 Ingredients water alkoxylated fatty alcohol sodium thiosulphate acid blue 80 SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr CLEAR VIEW CONCENTRATE A concentrated window and glass cleaner that needs to be diluted 1:32 with water prior to use. It is approved by the EcoLogo program. Product Code: J714 Ingredients water alkoxylated fatty alcohol sodium thiosulphate acid blue 80 SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr PURE DISINFECTANT A one-step neutral quaternary ammonium-based disinfectant cleaner and deodorizer. It is recommended for use in a variety of establishments and is approved by Health Canada (DIN 02358859) the EcoLogo Program and the CFIA. Product Code: J718 Ingredients water didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride ethoxylated alcohol citric acid acid blue 9 SDS - En SDS - Fr Tech Data - En Tech Data - Fr
- Dairy & Farm Acid Cleaners | Ostrem Chemical
Dairy & Farm Products Acid Cleaners M-35 ACID CLEANER A lactic acid-based non-foaming red liquid acid cleaner for the removal and prevention of milkstone in pipelines and bulk tanks. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F357 ACID CLEANER H.D. A concentrated phosphoric and sulphuric acid-based highly effective non-foaming liquid used for cleaning of difficult areas that are prone to scaling. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F375 AC - SOUR CIP CLEANER NF A concentrated non-foaming acid based cleaner designed for use in dairy plants. It is formulated for in-place cleaning of farm pipelines bulk tanks and automatic milking systems. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: F377
- Other Food Plant Products | Ostrem Chemical
Food Plant Products Other Food Plant Products LIQ.HOG SCALDING COMPOUND A liquid additive that loosens hair on pork carcasses during the scalding process in meat packing facilities. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: T632 LIQ. CHAIN LUBE (SOAP BASE) A soap-based oil-free lubricant designed for stainless steel conveyors in dairies breweries and food plants. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: T634 LIQUID CHAIN LUBE M.O. A mineral oil-based lubricant for meat trolleys and conveyor chains in dairies breweries and food plants. Prevents rusting and provides excellent lubricity. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: T635 PEROXYSAN 5 A peracetic acid based sanitizer ideally suited for a variety of sanitizing applications in food plants dairies breweries wineries and beverage operations. It may be applied to pre-washed surfaces such as floors walls process equipment and CIP systems by immersion coarse spray or circulation. SDS - Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Tech Data - Fr Product Code: T647 Dairy & Farm Products Please refer to our Dairy & Farm product list for additional complementary products for food plant use
- Other Laundry Products | Ostrem Chemical
Laundry Products Other LAUNDRY ALKALI A highly alkaline free-flowing powdered compound designed as an excellent alkali source to be added to a detergent for heavy duty washing operations. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L507 WATER CONDITIONER A powdered product designed to soften water while sequestering iron, calcium, magnesium and other unwanted minerals. It will remove and prevent graying and yellowing of fabrics. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L519 LIQUID LAUNDRY ALKALI A booster to Liquid Laundry Detergent for maximum removal of stubborn grease, oil and stains on cottons and polyesters. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L525 LIQUID LAUNDRY EMULSIFIER A degreaser-emulsifier well-suited for use in laundering greasy or oily tablecloths, uniforms, etc. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L526 MULTIPURPOSE PRESPOTTER This product is a highly concentrated multi-purpose prespotter formulated for use on fabric stains in commercial laundry dry-cleaning and hospitality cleaning applications. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L532 PRE-SPOTTER A high quality spotter for removal of most common fabric stains. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L533 H.D. EMULSIFIER PLUS A highly concentrated deodorized solvent-based emulsifier and grease remover ideal for removing greasy or oily stains in laundry and dry-cleaning operations. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L534 LIQUID SIZING A mixture of sizing, brighteners and starch formulated for adding body and bright finish to cotton, polyester and poly-cotton blends. It reduces linting and resoiling and improves drying time. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L536 WINE WHITE This product is a specially designed laundry pre-spotter which excels at removing tough wine and berry stains. It contains emulsifiers, solvents, and surfactants which work synergistically to remove even the most stubborn blemishes. Wine White is formulated without oxygen bleach so that it is safe to handle. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L541 TANNOUT A laundry pre-spotter specially formulated to efficiently remove tannin-based stains. It excels at removing stains that come from coffee, tea, cocoa and berries. The unique blend of solvents, emulsifiers and acids works quickly to break down and solubilize even the most stubborn of tannins. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L542 LAUNDRY DEGREASER This product is a highly concentrated degreaser-emulsifier designed for use in commercial and institutional laundry operations. It contains emulsifiers, synthetic surfactants and water soluble solvents which work synergistically to remove tough greasy stains. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: L543 INK OUT Ink Out is a highly effective and environmentally friendly solution designed to safely and effortlessly remove ink stains from all fabrics. Formulated with 100% biodegradable ingredients, and utilizing a blend of naturally derived solvents, it is effective on most types of inks and adhesives. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: Y911 STAIN OUT This product is a ready to use bleach-based destainer for removing stubborn stains on white linens and colorfast fabrics. SDS -Eng SDS - Fr Tech Data - Eng Texh Data - Fr Product Code: Y914
- Food Plant | Ostrem Chemical
Food Plant Products Food processing plants may be one of the most critical places in which to maintain impeccable cleanliness and sanitation. We have products that clean, degrease, emulsify and sanitize. These come in many forms, depending on their intended applications: foaming, non-foaming, acids, and alkalis. Our products, combined with a thorough sanitation procedure and routine, will ensure a healthy food processing environment. Circulation & Low Foaming Cleaners Foaming Alkaline Cleaners Foaming Acid Cleaners Non-Foaming Acid Cleaners Other Food Plant Products
- Useful Topics | Ostrem Chemical
A Brief Overview of QUAT Disinfectants What is the difference between cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting? Read this to learn more and find out which products you need to achieve the results you want. Read More Car Wash Products Selection Guide Use this guide to directly compare the various product options for car washes, presprays, drying agents, and specialty chemicals available for all types of car wash applications. Read More Aluminum Cleaners and Brighteners Here are the products Ostrem Chemical offers for brightening aluminum tanker trailers. Read More A Thorough Guide to Laundry This guide describes all of the ins and outs of commercial laundry. Read More A Thorough Guide to Warewash All you need to know about warewash and the products you need. Read More Warewash Products Flow Chart A handy diagram illustrating the differences between Low Temp, High Temp and Bar Glass Dishwashers and the products they require. Read More Formula for Correcting Boiler Glycol Freeze Points How to get the right amount of glycol into a boiler to achieve the freeze point you’re looking for. Read More Advantages of Becoming an Ostrem Chemical Distributor See the benefits of becoming an Ostrem Chemical distibutor. Read More